
The Strother School of Radical Attention is a non-profit experimental institution of education and collaboration dedicated to cultivating radical attention as a foundation of human well-being (and well-being beyond the human, too). We call this ATTENTION ACTIVISM. Through diverse forms of STUDY — including creative projects, courses on the history, philosophy, and politics of attention, and experiential Attention Lab workshops — we fashion and collectively implement tools to reclaim human attention, and thereby protect and cultivate the many goods of shared life that it produces.

Our Mission

Through teaching, learning, public programs, and experimental creative projects, The Matthew Strother School of Attention aims to draw attention to attention: to stimulate interest in, and research on attention; to nurture communities of commitment to the attentive life, and to model forms of collective inquiry that advance the attentional flourishing of human beings, human societies, and our shared planet.

Our Vision

A twenty-first century in which communities are equipped with the methods of critical inquiry, conceptual understanding, and practical tools necessary to resist the non-consensual extraction of our collective attention, to reclaim and deepen this precious faculty, and thereby create a more free, more flourishing, and more compassionate world.